Saturday, February 26, 2011

Grasshopper Holler

(Drawing by Josh Pincus)

We had such a great meeting last night! 14 members in attendance - that must be a record, and we hope to keep it up.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 11th at 6:30 in the Kentucky AG Center - we are hoping this will be our last meeting in the Ag Center before we can move back to the Mercer Public Library.

The assignment for next meeting is to begin expanding "Grasshopper Holler" - this is a concept Tony started in a workshop a few years ago. You have several options:

  • Develop a character
  • Construct a building
  • Describe the town and/or setting
  • Begin writing a story

This is an idea we are kicking around for the literary magazine we have in the works - a serial story about "Grasshopper Holler" with each member making a contribution for each magazine.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don't Forget ...

... the next meeting for Nomadic Ink is this Friday, February 25th, 6:30 at the Kentucky Ag Center. Paula says we have plenty of chips, but we may need something sweet. We will continue to talk about the new "Nomadic Ink" literary magazine. Hope to see everyone there Friday night.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nomadic Ink

The next meeting of NOMADIC INK will be Friday, February 25th at 6:30pm - 8:30pm - Kentucky Ag Center, across the road from the Kountry Kupboard.

We will be "Kneading" out more ideas for starting out our new literary magazine, so come prepared with more ideas and suggestions. There was no official assignment for this week - but you were asked to work on the first sentence of "The Sled" and see if it changes your story.

If you have any sketches, drawings or cartoons you would like for use to see, please bring those as well.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday - and why not invite a friend? We have been picking up new members, so we always love to have new faces.